Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC) Meeting (Open to all Edinburgh residents)

“This Edinburgh Association of Community Councils meeting is primarily for community councillors but it has been agreed that any resident may attend if they wish.”

Hello Trinity CC,

EACC SCREEN MEETING: 30 MAY 2024: 18.45 FOR 19.00

Here is the MS Teams link:

Microsoft Teams 

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 321 996 650 837

Passcode: 4bSkAJ



1] Edinburgh Bus Users Group: Report pre 6 June AGM:

with Chris Day, EBUG Secretary.

2] Planning Forum: Panel Discussion on current issues:

led by Cramond & Barnton, Liberton, Merchiston and Trinity CCs.

3] Licensing: Short report:

from Roger Colkett (Tollcross CC).


4] Important Update:

The Scheme and Boundary Review: Phase 3: 

A revised Proposed Scheme draft goes to Special Council at 10.00 on 27 June. The papers for the meeting should be available on the CEC site on 21 June. A final four-week consultation period should begin on 1 July with a final report submitted to the Council for approval in August. 

Having listened to community council opinions expressed on the Phase 2 Proposed Scheme draft, the Members’ Board made its own submission to the online consultation at the close on 3 May. On 14 May, it sent a short letter to all CEC Elected Councillors, setting out in-gathered assessments of the Proposed Scheme as it stands, along with a number of suggestions for improvement. A copy of the text is attached to this message. 

Chairs and Secretaries: you may wish to express your own community council’s views directly to your Ward Elected Councillors.  

Other News:

5] CEC’s Transport and Environment Committee recently approved (25 April) a new Local Traffic Improvement (LTI) programme (replacing the Neighbourhood Environment Programme). 

“The LTI programme is intended to improve local access for people walking and cycling in our communities and consider the introduction of small traffic schemes to mitigate or eliminate the impact of intrusive road traffic in residential areas.”

Community councils can act as project sponsors. CEC is offering an initial budget of £500k, with a cap on individual projects of perhaps around £50k. 

Project assessment will be based on a strict methodology.

You can find out more on the programme proposal in this link – go to Page 252:

(Public Pack)Agenda Document for Transport and Environment Committee, 25/04/2024 10:00 (edinburgh.gov.uk)

There could be real project potential here for some troublespot in your community. Write to localtrafficimprovement@edinburgh.gov.uk for more information. 

6] From CEC’s Consultation Hub, three of the many community consultations currently underway, each of them with an importance for someone. (How can community councils keep up?)

Your views on the draft Physical Activity and Sport Strategy for Edinburgh; closes 26 June:

Your views on Budget Engagement 2024: CEC has to save money. Elected Councillors will have to make tough decisions. This is coming down the line: closes 28 July:

City Plan 2040: City Plan 2030 is close to formal adoption as the city’s Local Development Plan (LDP). The pace of city change is relentless. The next LDP is on the horizon. It will take years to lay down, so a start has to be made. ‘Place-based; People-centred; Delivery-focused.’ Is that the right approach?

Go to City of Edinburgh Council – Citizen Space to find out more. 

7] EdinBRIC invites you to ‘talk building retrofit and community improvement’ at it’s first anniversary Family-Friendly Spring Social Event on 25 May at St Columba’s by the Castle (12.00 to 14.30). Light refreshments will be provided. Worth getting to know what EdinBRIC are about. Reconfiguring domestic energy use is potentially a very tricky business. 

Here is the booking link:

EdinBRIC family-friendly spring social and first-year party Tickets, Sat, May 25, 2024 at 12:30 PM | Eventbrite

Here is EdinBRIC’s background:

Why the Collective exists – Edinburgh Building Retrofit and Improvement Collective (edinbric.scot)

Ken Robertson, Secretary.
Edinburgh Association of Community Councils (EACC)

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